Friday, July 10, 2009

On Thai Fashion

My mother always said, "Just because they make it in your size, doesn't mean you should buy it." That's why it is imperative that you try on clothes first! These pants are kind of the rage with young Thai women. While they look quirky and cool on them, they look kind of ridiculous on me.

That's one thing I must get used to, getting out-dressed by almost all of the women here. Their fashion sense is light years ahead of mine and some parts of Europe! I don't know where Bangkok got it from, maybe it's a mix of British, Japanese, and Korean style with a dash of American 80's flair. But I do know that the women around here don't play.

Let's further illustrate the ridiculousness of these pants.


  1. ahhhh! the harem pant! the bane of my existence. they are blowing up all over the states too. i don't know who decided that these look good on any human ever.

  2. is that a sock in there or is it all you?
